Promo Bac 2013: 100% de réussite ! / Class of 2013: 100% Success ! Since 2011, the Parc des Loges high school is proud to offer a new major in science called "STL". High school students learn current methods and techniques used in laboratories, and study biotechnologies, chemistry, biochemistry and the science of living systems. This website is both in French and in English. Hopefully, younger students who wish to apply will be able to get a better idea of what "STL" is about. La section STL du lycée du Parc des Loges a été lancée à la rentrée 2012. L'équipe pédagogique met tout en oeuvre pour que cet enseignement soit pratique et allié à la langue anglaise, pour préparer les élèves à leur future vie professionnelle. Vous trouverez sur ce site toutes les informations concernant la série, les matières étudiées (biotechnologie, biochimie...), les épreuves du bac, ainsi que l'orientation en post-bac. Infos pratiques sur le site de l'académie: lien ici et lien ici.

Lien ici.
"Qu'est-ce qu'une mauvaise herbe? Une plante dont on n'a pas encore trouvé les vertus" / “What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.” R.W EMERSON, philosophe américain /American philosopher. Cette citation doit encourager nos élèves dans leurs ambitions et leur curiosité intellectuelle, et les professeurs dans leur enseignement dans le cadre d'une éducation humaniste.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Article on Lab Saftey


Safe Laboratory Practices

Participation in a biology laboratory is a required part of most biology courses. When working in a lab, it is important for your own safety and for the safety of others that you understand the basic rules and guidelines that are standard for biology laboratory work. Collectively the general rules for work in a laboratory are known as safe laboratory practices. These rules are designed to keep you, your classmates, and your instructors safe when in the lab.
Students in the laboratory

Safety Categories

Work in any laboratory can expose you to dangers. The major types of dangers you would encounter in a biology laboratory are physical hazards, chemical hazards and biological hazards.

Physical hazards are dangers caused by objects or materials present in the lab, such as obstacles that may cause a person to trip or fall, glassware that may break and cause injury, or loose hair and clothing that may become entangled or catch fire during experimental procedures.
Chemical hazards are dangers posed by chemicals such as acids, bases, flammable liquids, and so forth.
Biological hazards are dangers posed by exposure to human or animal tissue, bodily fluids, and disease-causing organisms such as bacteria, protists, and viruses.

How can I reduce my risks?

All of these types of hazards can cause accidents or injury during the laboratory. However, following proper safe laboratory practices can reduce or eliminate the risks posed by physical, chemical and biological dangers.

To ensure that you, your classmates and your instructors remain safe when working in the laboratory, you must adhere to three basic guidelines: Proper behavior, proper clothing, and proper precautions.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Safety Rules

Lab safety rules: We studied that video in class.

1ière 14 - 2011-2012