Promo Bac 2013: 100% de réussite ! / Class of 2013: 100% Success ! Since 2011, the Parc des Loges high school is proud to offer a new major in science called "STL". High school students learn current methods and techniques used in laboratories, and study biotechnologies, chemistry, biochemistry and the science of living systems. This website is both in French and in English. Hopefully, younger students who wish to apply will be able to get a better idea of what "STL" is about. La section STL du lycée du Parc des Loges a été lancée à la rentrée 2012. L'équipe pédagogique met tout en oeuvre pour que cet enseignement soit pratique et allié à la langue anglaise, pour préparer les élèves à leur future vie professionnelle. Vous trouverez sur ce site toutes les informations concernant la série, les matières étudiées (biotechnologie, biochimie...), les épreuves du bac, ainsi que l'orientation en post-bac. Infos pratiques sur le site de l'académie: lien ici et lien ici.

Lien ici.
"Qu'est-ce qu'une mauvaise herbe? Une plante dont on n'a pas encore trouvé les vertus" / “What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.” R.W EMERSON, philosophe américain /American philosopher. Cette citation doit encourager nos élèves dans leurs ambitions et leur curiosité intellectuelle, et les professeurs dans leur enseignement dans le cadre d'une éducation humaniste.

Monday, April 2, 2012



On the left : The cover of TIME magazine

« The new science of epigenetics reveals how the choices you make can change your genes – and those of your kids »
January 2012

Great Article on Epigenetics :
Armelle Corpet & Geneviève Almouzni. Science et Avenir. Dec 2006-Jan 2007
“If we compare the DNA sequence to notes in the score of a symphony, epigenetics refers to the nuances, the alterations, or the rhythm that allows the conductor to understand how the score should be read. Each cell interprets its genetic score in its own way, and therefore the cells play different symphonies.”

What is Epigenetics?
(Source :
Conrad Waddington (1905-1975) is often credited with coining the term epigenetics in 1942 as “the branch of biology which studies the causal interactions between genes and their products, which bring the phenotype into being”.
(…) The field of epigenetics has emerged to bridge the gap between nature and nurture. In the 21st century you will most commonly find epigenetics defined as ‘the study of heritable changes in genome function that occur without a change in DNA sequence‘.

(…) “I would take a picture of a computer and say that the hard disk is like DNA, and then the programmes are like the epigenome. You can access certain information from the hard disk using the programmes on the computer. But there are certain password protected areas and those which are open. I would say we’re trying to understand why there are passwords for certain regions and why other regions are open.“
Jörn Walter (Scientist, Saarland, Germany)

Epigenetics has always been all the weird and wonderful things that can’t be explained by genetics.”
Denise Barlow (Scientist, Vienna, Austria)

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